University systems using student data

July 23rd, 2019

Following completion of the implementation of Campus Solutions, the Saturn student records system will cease to be used. For the start of session in September 2019, all student records will be in Campus Solutions. Access to Saturn for historic records will be maintained whist an archive system is being put in place.

Do you use local school systems that might still link into Saturn student data? If so, Information Services needs your help to identify any data before the system is archived.

There are a number of systems in use throughout the University that use Saturn student data. Following contact with Departmental representatives through the Transform Programme, Information Services is aware of most of these systems and work is underway to mitigate risks that will arise from the removal of Saturn. However, over many years, systems have been developed and used throughout the University that may not be supported by Information Services. Some of these may use student data from Solar, the Saturn database. It may not be obvious in all cases that the source of the data is Solar.

Please could you urgently identify all the systems you use that contain student data and you are not clear if it will continue to function once Campus Solutions is source of student data. The list of systems that integrate with Campus Solutions (and therefore you do not need to tell us about) is below. Please contact Helen Jenkins as soon as possible if you need to use a system that isn’t on the list below.

The list of systems that already integrate with Campus Solutions is as follows:

  • IDM
  • University Card / OCMS
  • AEOS
  • Kinetics UK
  • Syllabus+ (timetabling)
  • Evaluate (SET/SEM)
  • Agresso
  • ALMA (libraries)
  • Student Elections
  • Students Union MSL
  • Legend Leisure Management
  • Exam Scheduler
  • Moodle
  • Dante
  • Attendance Monitoring
  • Vision Catering (Meal Cards)
  • Bluecastle Results Publishing
  • Rogo
  • CareerHub
  • Prospectus
  • Student Photos
  • Workload Planning
  • HEDD
  • ODS
  • Lincoln Medical
  • Onyx
  • LANCET suite (inc. Portico, Lab Attendance, MyPhd)
  • BSAM
  • APT
  • PGRS+ (education)
  • Shibboleth (UK)
  • ARC (MHS placements)
  • myCal (timetable)
  • SupportWorks

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July 24th, 2019 at 6:20 pm

William Brown

I am writing as IT rep for SOLS. We need the information in epars to be maintained as it is used to write references for past students.

Please confirm receipt of this message and indicate your planned response.


William Brown

July 25th, 2019 at 9:18 am


Hi William, for this information please can you send an email request to Best wishes – Rebecca

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