Cutover for Saturn student records system

November 27th, 2018

The cutover process from Saturn to the new Campus Solutions student records system will commence at 5pm on Friday 30 November.

Saturn 3 is used to add and update student records. You will no longer be able to access Saturn 3 after this time, but you will be able to view information in Saturn Web which is used primarily to view student records.

If you use Saturn Web, you can continue to access this system.

Data will be extracted from Saturn and migrated to Campus Solutions during December. During this period essential changes can only be made by colleagues in Student Services. This limited updating process allows us to keep track of all changes that will then be manually updated in Campus Solutions when the system goes live.

If you need to make any essential changes to a student record, or to access information which is not available in Saturn Web, please contact one of the Student Services colleagues that will be updating Saturn during this time. These colleagues can also help to answer any questions that you may have.

Campus Solutions will become our central student records system from January 2019. Further information regarding access to Campus Solutions will be provided from the beginning of 2019.

Thank you for your patience and support during the cutover period.

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