Help out as a steward at Winter Graduation

November 2nd, 2018

Winter Graduation is taking place from Tuesday 11 December until Friday 14 December this year. The Graduation Team is looking for University staff to help steward these events.

Around 30 stewards are needed for each of the nine ceremonies. This is a great opportunity for staff to see students celebrate the culmination of their studies and they always prove to be enjoyable events.

Activities stewards may be asked to help with include:

  • welcoming guests and graduands
  • guiding guests and graduands to their seats
  • sign-posting guests to key activities
  • making arrangements for guests with accessibility requirements
  • answering queries and helping with problems

More information about the roles can be found on the Graduation Workspace page.

How to volunteer

Please check the list of the dates and times of ceremonies and make sure you get your line manager’s consent to attend the ceremonies you’d like to support. You can then complete this online form to volunteer.

We welcome volunteers both new and experienced – all help is greatly appreciated. There will be a briefing session before the ceremonies at the David Ross Sports Village to help you understand your role and the layout of the ceremonies, as well as to meet other stewards.

Please note that this opportunity is for University staff only. If you’d like more information about stewarding, please contact the graduation team at

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