Celebrate Black History Month 2018

September 19th, 2018

During October 2018 the University of Nottingham is celebrating Black History Month with film screenings, panel discussions and more.

For the sixth year running, the University is proud to be celebrating Black History Month, an opportunity to celebrate Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) culture, history and our BME community.

This year’s centrally-organised events include:

  • Screening of Salute
    6pm, Tuesday 16 October 2018: Nottingham Lakeside Arts, Djanogly Theatre
    Book your ticket
  • Career Success – the BME Experience (People and Culture Event)
    6pm, Tuesday 30 October 2018: Senate Chamber, Trent Building, University Park
    Register your attendance
  • New Nigerians by Oladipo Agboluaje
    Friday 5-Saturday 6 October 2018: Nottingham Playhouse
    The Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R) will be hosting a pre-show talk by the writer. Contact Dr Karen Salt, Director, C3R, for further details.

Activities and events will also be taking place in our Faculties, Schools, Departments and Professional Services. Details of a number of further events will follow in a comprehensive programme announced on Monday 1 October 2018.

Dr Val Watson, Head of University Counselling Service and Chair of the University’s BME Staff Network, said:

“During October 2018 UoN will stage a number of events and presentations that are faculty wide and for public interest and enjoyment whilst acknowledging that history is being made every day; made every month.

We hope that you will join us in this celebration and contribute to the ongoing debates about the inequities that exist and the progress that is being made albeit slowly. Here, at Nottingham we want to do our part. History is an active process so join in.”

We look forward to welcoming you to our events.

Get involved…

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