April 23rd, 2018
Pre-enrolment for the 2018/19 academic year is now open and will remain open until Friday 4 May.
After checking the Module Catalogue for available modules, students can complete a Module Choice form and return it to studentservices@nottingham.ac.uk or hand it in to their nearest Student Service Centre.
Students were emailed details of the process on Friday 20 April and Monday 23 April.
Student Services will check all submitted forms to confirm that choices conform with the programme of study requirements. Where there are any other restrictions on module choice – such as caps on places – these will be managed by Student Services in collaboration with colleagues in schools. If students have any questions about module choices, they should be referred to Student Services in the first instance.
Some schools are running module advisory sessions during this period – please check with colleagues to find out if your school is running these.
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