‘Identifying and responding to students in difficulty’ — updated guide published

February 5th, 2018

A number of students will encounter problems during their time at University, and members of staff may be called on to provide some help.

Problems that may be academic, personal or practical and difficulties in one area can often have an impact on other areas of the student’s life. Some students may directly approach staff members to ask for support. Others may be reluctant to ask and try to struggle on but their problems may become apparent.

What to do about this will depend on a number of factors.

To help staff identify and respond to students in difficulty, the Campus Life division has recently published an updated version of its staff-facing document focused on this subject. The guide is intended to help members of staff to:

  • Clarify their own role and the limits of their responsibility towards students in difficulty
  • Work out when (and when not) to intervene
  • Identify problems
  • Decide what to do about them

Read the guide here.

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One Comment

February 7th, 2018 at 3:57 pm

Lindsay Hutchinson

Thank you to those who were involved in updating this guide. It is much better than the previous version – well laid out, with practical advice and guidance for all kinds of staff. Well done!

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