Help Nottingham become European Capital of Culture 2023

October 19th, 2017

On Friday 27 October, a bid will be submitted for Nottingham to become European Capital of Culture 2023 — will you lend your support and help our city in its drive to win the designation?

The European Capital of Culture is granted to a city for a period of one year. The team bidding for Nottingham to achieve the status in 2023 has proposed a ‘cultural change’ programme that will transform the lives of people in the Midlands.

The more pledges of support that Nottingham receives, the stronger its bid will be to be chosen as European Capital of Culture 2023.

On submission day, the team behind the bid will be aiming to get #Nottingham2023 trending on social media. To help with this, at least 500 people will need to post about #Nottingham2023 at the exact same time in order to create a social media ‘thunderclap’ that will raise awareness of, and lend weight to, Nottingham’s bid.

To get involved in the Thunderclap —  and help get #Nottingham2023 trending on Twitter —  sign up to the campaign at

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