Working with the media: a workshop by the Media Relations team

September 13th, 2017

The Media Relations team will hold a media training session on Tuesday 19 September. The session, titled Working with the Media, is intended for academics and researchers and will take place at C22, Coates Building.

This training session will include case studies and examples targeted at the faculty of Engineering — however academics from all departments are welcome to attend.

The session will open with an introduction to the Media Relations team. Then from 11.00am onwards, Catherine Cross — a well known media trainer — will conduct a comprehensive and interactive session entitled: Journalists and Engineers: Friends or Foes?

This will be followed by Dr Wang Qi, Assistant Professor in the Department or Architecture and Built Environment, who will share his personal experiences of engaging with the media. The session will come to a close with a presentation by Anne Smart, Digital Communications Manager, who will cover how academics and researchers can get more out of social media.

The full event programme is as follows:

9:30am – 10:30am How the Media Relations Team can help you
Shirlene Campbell Ritchie, Media Relations Manager for the Faculty of Engineering
11.00am: Journalists and Engineers: Friends or Foes?
Part 1 — How the Media Works
Catherine Cross, Media Trainer
12.00pm: Journalists and Engineers: Friends or Foes?
Part 2 — How to Make a Story Media-friendly
Catherine Cross, Media Trainer
12.30pm: Lunch
1.00pm: Journalists and Engineers: Friends or Foes?
Part 3 — Must-have Media Interview Skills
Catherine Cross, Media Trainer
1.45pm: Break with refreshments
2.00pm: Journalists and Engineers: Friends or Foes?
Session closes — summary and questions
Catherine Cross, Media Trainer
3.00pm: Engaging with the media: A personal perspective
Dr Wang Qi, Assistant Professor in Architecture
4.00pm: How Academics and Researchers can Get More out of Social Media
Anne Smart, Digital Communications Manager
4.30pm: End

To sign up for this event, please contact Shirlene Campbell Ritchie, Media Relations Manager for the Faculty of Engineering.

You can contact her by email or by phone (ext. 67156).

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