Staying safe abroad – Action Counters Terrorism

July 13th, 2017

A new film has been created outlining what to do if you are caught up in a weapons or firearms attack abroad as the next phase of the ACT: Action Counters Terrorism campaign.

Building upon the established Run, Hide, Tell public safety messaging, this short film has an international perspective aimed at UK citizens travelling abroad on summer holidays.

Detective Superintendent Mark Pollock, Head of Special Branch in the East Midlands, said: “Despite the recent incidents on our home turf and across the world, terrorist attacks are rare. However, in the unlikely event of you being caught up in one, some simple advice may save your life.

“Should you be caught in a firearms attack, wherever you may be in the world, run. Don’t surrender, or try to negotiate, just get to a place of safety as quickly as possible. If you can’t escape, do not confront, instead conceal yourself and wait it out. Finally, and only if it’s safe to do so, call the police. With that in mind, wherever you holiday this summer, certainly if it is a foreign country, ensure you know the number for the emergency services.

“This advice may sound simple but it may just save your life. That said, my message to you is to be alert and report suspicious activity to the police, whether in this country or elsewhere, refer to Government travel advice before booking your trip but, above all, enjoy your summer holiday this year.”

Citizen Aid
The guidance above is included on a new app called CitizenAID. Developed by military and civilian medics the app is intended to give members of the public straightforward information on how to plan, prepare and react to an incident with step-by-step instructions. It includes basic first-aid advice which creators say could prove most effective in the immediate aftermath of an attack.

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August 22nd, 2017 at 9:20 am

Claire C

This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.

August 22nd, 2017 at 10:02 am


Thanks for flagging this. We’re checking this now and will update the article asap.

August 22nd, 2017 at 10:24 am


Article updated – thanks again Claire.

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