Athena SWAN survey — update

June 26th, 2017

A message from Professor Marion Walker, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion):

“Earlier this year we conducted an Athena SWAN survey which aimed to understand your perceptions of your work environment and career progression, and explore some of the wider equality and diversity issues across the University.

“I would like to extend my thanks to all the staff who engaged with this survey (34% response rate) which has provided us with many useful insights which are now helping us develop action plans for future equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives at the University of Nottingham. It is our intention to share the results alongside our planned actions with you in due course.

“At a University level, the results of this survey will be used in combination with the Staff Engagement Survey, also recently completed (61% response rate), as baseline measures as well as support our Institutional Athena SWAN Silver Award application due for submission in November 2017.

“Data is currently being distributed to all Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Groups (FEDIGs), School Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Teams (SATSs) and Professional Services, where it may also help inform local EDI initiatives.  Where staff groups have been under-represented in the survey responses, we will conduct focus groups to ensure we capture all points of view.  As clearly stated previously, all contributions from staff, qualitative and quantitative, have been treated anonymously and great care has been taken to ensure no-one will be identifiable in any data set produced.

“I am hugely grateful for your input into this important survey and look forward to working with you towards an enhanced equitable, diverse and inclusive culture at the University of Nottingham.”

Professor Marion Walker

Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)

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