university equality

Athena SWAN awards success

May 26th, 2017

A number of University of Nottingham schools have successfully applied for the latest round of awards under the Athena SWAN Charter.

The Athena SWAN Charter works to advance gender equality in all its forms in relation to:

  • academic roles in all disciplines
  • professional and support staff
  • trans staff and students

in relation to their representation, as well as the progression of students into academia, the journey through career milestones and the staff working environment.

The following four University of Nottingham UK schools successfully submitted applications for awards in November 2016:

In the Faculty of Science:

  • School of Computer Science secured a Bronze award
  • School of Chemistry secured a Silver award
  • School of Psychology successfully renewed their Silver award

In the Faculty of Social Sciences:

  • School of Geography moved from Bronze to Silver award

By gaining Athena SWAN awards, institutions such as the University of Nottingham are committing to a progressive charter and adopting a number of recognised principles within their policies, practices, action plans and culture.

In brief, a bronze award recognises an institution’s commitment to eliminating gender bias and developing an inclusive culture that values all staff. A silver award signifies that the institution has progressed and holds a significant record and achievement in promoting gender equality and addressing related challenges across different disciplines. A gold award recognises leadership in the area of gender equality. Visit our Athena SWAN webpage to read more about the charter principles and the University of Nottingham’s Athena SWAN programme.

Thanks are extended to all colleagues in the four named schools who contributed to this success, in particular the self-assessment teams for their work in coordinating and submitting the successful applications.

Speaking about the awards, Professor Marion Walker, It’s Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Equality Diversity and Inclusion and Chair of the Gender Equality Nottingham (GEN) network, commented:

“I am delighted to hear of the recent Athena SWAN success for the Schools of Geography, Chemistry, Psychology and Computer Science. This outstanding recognition is testament to the hard work and transformative changes made over recent years by the schools. The importance and benefits of Athena SWAN are now being recognised throughout the University.

“The Athena SWAN charter was developed to challenge out of date thinking and to create a culture where everyone can thrive and progress their careers. These awards clearly demonstrate that the University of Nottingham champions this cultural change.

“Our next efforts need to continue to drive progress and ensure all Schools hold an Athena SWAN award. I look forward to working with everyone to achieve this.”

To learn more about Athena SWAN at the University, please contact

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