lma hub

Leadership & Management Academy Team announces latest updates

May 18th, 2017

A number of updates have been announced to help staff get the most out of their experience working at the University.

First up is the launch of the new ‘Induction for Leaders and Managers’, which has been developed to support newly-appointed leaders and managers during their first few days, weeks, months, and beyond. The induction is accessible now via Moodle.

Colleagues can also now gain a clearer visibility of the career opportunities available across the University — and gain access to a range of online learning resources designed to support career development — by accessing the online Staff Career Development Hub. We are also looking for volunteers to feature in a series of short staff career profile videos to be presented in the Hub during 2017. You can express an interest and find out more here.

Meanwhile, May 2017 also saw the launch of the new Leadership & Management Academy (LMA) prospectus, which provides an overview of the programmes and development support available via the LMA.

If you’re a University of Nottingham employee at Level 5 or above, you can also attend a one-day conference, ‘Making Change Happen Through Collaborative Working’, which will be presented in partnership with the University of Birmingham at the Jubilee Conference Centre on Friday 19 June. Find out more and book your place here.

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