Farewell to Project Transform Sponsor Professor Karen Cox

January 26th, 2017

Professor Karen Cox will leave The University of Nottingham at the end of July 2017 to take up her new and exciting role as sixth Vice-Chancellor and President at the University of Kent in August.

Project Transform Programme Director, Ian Leitch, said: “Karen has been the programme sponsor for Project Transform since it first began back in 2013. As a programme director, it is rare that I come across a sponsor that is so supportive and engaged in the delivery of such a large scale transformation programme.

“Karen will be sadly missed by all of us here at Project Transform. Her support and guidance has been instrumental to the success of the programme over the past few weeks. We will make sure that the final phases of Project Transform are delivered, in order for Karen to see her vision as a sponsor become a reality.”

“I can think of no better or more apt way to say thank you to Karen than by successfully completing something that she has put so much personal investment into.

“We do not expect any change of sponsorship or interim measures as things stand, however we can never rule out what may happen in the future. If this does become the case, then we will react in the correct way. Project Transform has enjoyed a level of sponsorship and commitment from the Executive group that I have rarely seen throughout my career and I don’t envisage that support diluting between now and the programme completing.”


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