Student Services roadshows – find out the latest from Project Transform on the summer go lives

April 5th, 2017

A series of roadshows giving staff across the University the opportunity to find out the latest developments from Student Services and Project Transform will take place at the end of this month.

The roadshows will be hosted by the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors or their representatives, and the Registrar, and all staff are encouraged to attend.

From a UK perspective, the largest and most far-reaching Campus Solutions go live will take place in August. The new student records system will be launched then, replacing many of our legacy systems.

The roadshow will provide an update on the UK implementation and explain more about how we are working to get the University ready for this significant milestone.

Meanwhile, Student Services is in its first year of operations. 2016/17 has been a transitional year with the launch of the new Student Service Centres, using some interim processes – such as module enrolment – in advance of further changes when Campus Solutions becomes live. The roadshow will provide some information about how the new arrangements are developing and bedding in.

Please attend a convenient roadshow and take the opportunity to find out how the coming changes will affect your Faculty/Department. The sessions will last for an hour with an opportunity for informal questions and discussion with Student Services colleagues immediately afterwards.

Colleagues from Student Services and Project Transform will present at the events, but much of the session will be given over to Q&A, giving you the opportunity to ask questions about the changes taking place over the coming months.

The roadshows take place as follows:

  • Wednesday 19 April, 2.30pm, Studio 7, King’s Meadow Campus – hosted by Paul Greatrix, Registrar
  • Tuesday 25 April, 11.30, A4, Medical School, – hosted by Prof Michael Randall, APVC (Education and Student Experience), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Tuesday 2 May, 11.30am, A33 Food Sciences Building, Sutton Bonington – hosted by Prof Kevin Shakesheff, Faculty PVC for Science
  • Friday 5 May, 3pm, DLT3, Exchange Building, Jubilee Campus – hosted by Prof Todd Landman, Faculty PVC for Social Sciences
  • Monday 8 May, 11.30am, C24, Coates Building, University Park – hosted by Prof Sam Kingman, APVC and Deputy Head of the Faculty of Engineering
  • Monday 8 May, 2.30pm, C14, Pope Building, University Park – hosted by Prof Jeremy Gregory, Faculty PVC for Arts

There is no need to book – just turn up on the day.

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