New occupational health provider: transfer of records

March 9th, 2017

The University of Nottingham has contracted with a new occupational health provider for its employees and students. From 1 April 2017 the new provider will be OHWorks Ltd.

OHWorks are a specialist occupational health provider with considerable experience of delivering services to universities and NHS trusts.

As part of setting up the new contract, all occupational health records held by our current provider, Industrial Diagnostics Company (IDC), need to be transferred to OHWorks. We have a duty to inform you of the transfer. In order for there to be a seamless transfer of service, your occupational health records will be transferred to OHWorks at the end of March 2017. If, however, you do not want your records to be transferred to the new occupational health provider, you should email Kelly Coggon, Strategic Business Manager at IDC, of your decision by 26 March 2017

Alternatively, you can write to Kelly Coggon at Atherstone House, The Sidlngs, Merry Lees, Leicestershire LE9 9FE.

The transfer of files is normal practice when a new provider takes over a contract of this kind. OHWorks is bound by the provisions of the Data Protection Act to ensure that your details remain confidential and are not disclosed to a third party without your express consent.

Please note that if you were to withhold permission for your records to be transferred to OHWorks this may prevent them from providing you with continuity of the OH service.

OHWorks and The University of Nottingham are committed to delivering a service that benefits the organisation and its staff and students over the coming months and years.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact HR at the following email address

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